Tag Archives: hazard birds

Hazards of living in a bird migration zone

We have discovered over the last two weeks that with the increase of small bird migration we are also having an increase in the number of small birds that are smacking into our windows. So far the count of dazed birds is still larger than those that have died but it is getting close. We did some research and it seems the simplest way to manage this is to find a way to break the reflection of trees in the window. For the time being we have had  to tape our largest windows and are keeping our fingers crossed.

Alan finishing the large doors
Alan finishing the large doors
Second generation bird diversion.
Second generation bird diversion.

My original idea was not to put anything on the windows at all but to make little helmets in fetching colours for the birds to wear.  I thought they could pay for them with worms which we, in turn, could sell to local fisherfolk to defray expenses but Jane said it wouldn’t work because most people here fly-fish and don’t use worms.   So we’ve switched to ropes from green masking tape.  Still pretty bad.