We took the dogs for a long walk this afternoon up behind the 5th hole of the golf club. I had never been on the road (well perhaps road is stretching it a bit) that runs behind that hole but it winds it way up through the forest and goes up and up. I think that some of you may have snowshoed up there ? Carolyn and Alan and John and Denise I think have talked about it. (Usually with swear words attached – it is not an easy path). Maybe this isn’t the place but we are hoping to do it again when we can snowshoe it. We could only go about half way up as I hurt my knee last week jumping down from a bench when helping Alan with the ceiling in the basement stupid, stupid but advil and ice are working nicely. I have put some pics below and we will post some more once we can snowshoe up. It is very precarious in places and it looks as if someone has been trying to create a sill wide enough for a snowmobile where no road actually exists. I am absolutely sure it would meet no safety standards but it is very creative for sure.