
Spring flowers everywhere

Despite the cool, very rainy, foggy week the Spring flowers are gorgeous. I was walking in the woods and on the paths around here and the smell is heavenly and the green so bright and vibrant. What a treat – even in the fog.

Along the path in front of Tudor Hart
Along the path in front of Tudor Hart


Blankets of Bunchberries
Blankets of Bunchberries
I found masses of Lady Slipper's hidden in a small knoll in the woods. What a treat.
I found masses of Lady Slipper’s hidden in a small knoll in the woods. What a treat.




























The flowers combined with that sea mixed with cedar smell is so amazing.

The weather is supposed to clear tomorrow just in time for the Festivals des Chansons. I hope so as the town is preparing like mad. I will post pictures later this weekend.

Hope the rain ends soon. Enjoy your evening. Jane

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