View #4 answer and a new one to take a look at

Good morning,

Alan always used to say that he knew exactly who was calling on the phone if I started with a weather report. Being farmers my parents words right after hello was always “So what’s the weather like down there today?”

So Gwen is getting whacked with a ton of rain and the rest of us some measly bit of snow.  It is even predicting that we will get a bit of rain but we are hoping they are wrong. It will ruin the nice white snow we have. The bigger storm will pass south of us so far but it is dark and dreary here today.

The last view was indeed from William’s lawn.  It was such a lovely day the day that I took the shot.

Now here is one taken from an odd angle on a lawn to hide identifiers see what you think.



Good luck with the Christmas rush. I decided that because I was retired I would make some of my gifts – because I had so much time – what was I thinking!! At any rate I am trying to redeem myself and at least get the cards out before Christmas. Then I will make the same resolution as I do every year at this time – next year things will be different around here.

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