February 23rd Update from Alan

Good morning everyone,

I am finding it a bit frustrating that the crazy red dot does not move faster – what about you? I received a note from Alan this morning so thought I would send an update to all of you.

Their winds have been too light and then blasting them in the next half of a day. They are now just heading south of Sardinia. They will be happy when they are past the island as they should soon be able to take advantage of the Northerlies – winds that are more predictable, more consistent and in the direction that they want to move. All good.

We are not seeing the red dot move daily as they are having trouble keeping their equipment charged and are conserving energy. For the time being it may be only every few days that they upload a change of position – but they are moving all the time and Alan says DO not Worry. All is well.

Have a great weekend and I will update as soon as I have news. Jane

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